FTO Series - Fantasy Tribe Orcs 1982
I first posted the Citadel FTO Fantasy Tribe Orc series 5 years ago. The photography was muddy and the paint scheme was a little dull. Despite that it has received more hits than any other post.
Since I'm working through Citadel's other preslotta orcs at the moment I decided to brighten the FTO series a tad so they all match.
Most of this range were issued with over 20 different head variations
FTO14 was a late addition - Single pose - separate shield
FTO15 was issued by Ral Partha in the US - Single Pose
The two FTE Fantasy Tribe Evil Leaders series are shown in the Citadel1993 Dragon Catalog
The axe on the wyvern rider is from my bits box (he came with a wire spear)
I raised his saddle for a better pose
My original dingy FTO post is here:
Regiment of Renown RR5
Harboth and the Black Moutain Boys - 1984
Click on the pictures to enlarge
Box Set TA4 Orc War Machine
I hope to get the rest of my preslotta orcs painted this year.
The C15 Armoured Orcs are mostly base coated ready to split into smaller groups for detail work
I've based these for use in a regiment or two.