An Index to my Gallery Posts
If you want to start at the beginning, the story starts here:
Citadel Miniatures FA Series - Fantasy Adventurers
Citadel Miniatures FF Series - Fiend Factory
Citadel FF
Series - US Extension
Citadel Miniatures FS Series - Fantasy Specials
(Scenery and NPCs)
Citadel WF Series - Weird Fantasy
Citadel Fantasy Tribe Gnolls - FTG Series
Citadel Fantasy Tribe Gnolls - FTG Series
Citadel Fantasy Tribe Orcs - FTO series
Citadel Fantasy Tribe Orcs - FTO series
Citadel Preslotta Undead - Including FTS and FTZ
The 1983 Citadel Giant
Citadel Preslotta Dark Elves - CO9, C21, and box sets
Citadel Preslotta Orcs - C15 and C16
Furniture and Accessories
HeroQuest and other game plastics
Doorways for HQ and AHQ are here
Prince August Miniatures
Preslotta Basing
(or how to double the time each miniature
An amazing achievement and a fantastic resource. Your work has been a big influence on my own decision to go pre-slotta: