Monday, July 10, 2017

One Word - Plastics

"One Word - Plastics"

I seem to have been buying games with large numbers of plastic figures through some sort of pay in advance and wait 6-18 months scheme on the internet. 

Many of them are quite lovely.

I got out some furniture from Mantic's Dungeon Saga to paint... and then decided I should start at the beginning.

So for the last month and some I have been painting the Heroes from games with names ending in "Quest"

From 1987 to 1995

Dungeon Quest - Hero Quest - Advanced Hero Quest - Warhammer Quest

The Dungeon Quest were previously painted decades ago - I touched up their original paint work and rebased them - and added a little nmm. All the others were well played with but never painted.

I painted them as three stage characters - Something I can't say I had noticed before this painting project. The elves belts are giveaway. 

I'm going back to preslotta for some regiments next - but I'm adding the furniture and monsters from these games to the upcoming projects list.  But I did start on the doors...


  1. Great paint jobs and very obviously shows scale creep in the design of miniatures.

  2. very nice i love the old Hero Quest figures (both versions) and you've done a fantastic job on them, well done.

  3. I'ma send you the rest of my heroquest plastics to paint them 😂

    Excellent work!

  4. I had not looked at them this way before, great execution! :)
